Terri Noble's Non-blog

Thoughts, such as they are, of a mild mannered transgendered artist.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

First post.

Well, I'm no poet. I'm not noted for profundity. I'm awful at keeping diaries, journals or what-have-you. I'm merely your basic person-born-male-but-thinking-female-yet-still-loving-women- and-wanting-to-become-one.

Something of an artist, a bit of an actor, less so of a singer.

Did I mention un-wealthy?

I hope that I will never be so full of myself as to even consider that my words or thoughts have any sort of import, impact, or influence upon anyone or anything.

That said, you may know me from this little webcomic I write and draw at terrinoble.com/comic.html - or maybe you glanced at my website.

We shall see if I can keep up with anything resembling a blog - or a life.


  • At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi ya terri
    hideous here. i think you are doing great with the blog ! you go girl !


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