Terri Noble's Non-blog

Thoughts, such as they are, of a mild mannered transgendered artist.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A brief rant.

I stated that I would try not to clutter this blog with items regarding my transgenderism. I realize that too many people object to it. It was hard for me to imagine why, until someone mentioned something to the effect of "How do you feel about child molestation? Bestiality? Incest?" I had to admit that I found them repugnant, highly unnatural. "That," my correspondent said, "is what much of the public thinks about the transgendered."
Said public has an unfortunate habit of linking TGs and gays with child molesters et al. Making wild post hoc ergo propter hoc statements, they claim without the slightest ion of backing evidence that homosexuality and transgenderism coexist with, lead to, or promote child molestation, incest, polygamy, and so on. All rubbish.
As for myself - I can truthfully say that I have never had any sort of sexual or prurient interest in children, animals, or relatives.

Or men, for that matter.


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