Terri Noble's Non-blog

Thoughts, such as they are, of a mild mannered transgendered artist.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Odd how dreams have occupied my thoughts lately. It's something we all do while asleep. I have long wondered - are dreams strictly the production of your brain? Or do they tap into another plane of existence? Or another point in time, like nudging the needle on a record a couple of grooves?
Often I get to that halfway point between waking and dreaming, where I am still somewhat aware of the real world but adrift toward that other world of dreams. Freed of all obligations to my body save those of keeping me alive, my mind is free to let my imagination and subconscious take over and I'm just along for the ride. Even as it creates visuals, sounds and situations that are illogical or even impossible, I as observer take it all in unquestioningly. When I wake and actually remember what I dreamt, I ponder over how I could have gone along with such a thing. Was it merely the detritus of my brain? Or did it have a deeper meaning?
There are those moments - and they are rare - when, deep in a dream, I realize that I am dreaming. Then I can take control. Fly? Leap from cliffs? Not a problem. I run the show - until I wake.
Many astonishing visuals and great ideas have come in dreams, even in that half-wakened state. A shame I never remembered them all.