Terri Noble's Non-blog

Thoughts, such as they are, of a mild mannered transgendered artist.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The contest.

You may have seen or read my webcomic. Here's what's been going on with it.
In late March the Portal of Evil website decided to feature my comic. For a few days the hits on my site increased tenfold. However, PoE classified my creation under "bad comics" and trashed it accordingly. I made the error of coming to my own defense, and the attacks became personal. To be fair, a few of the PoE denizens offered fair, constructive criticism - though they were outnumbered by the flamers.
My work duties increased somewhat, so I have little free time on the job to draw the comic. I went on vacation in April, and other things occured, more of which later. Where I had been updating twice a week, then weekly, now it's like every other week or even monthly, and that is unacceptable. I accept the blame for this.
So I decided to solicit help - in form of a contest. I would offer $25 for the best short story featuring the characters of my comic. Only one entry squeaked in past the deadline, and it won by default.
As I mentioned before, I started the comic last year after the death of my mother, to work away some of the grief. At that time, and for some time thereafter, the art and story flowed. Eventually it started feeling like a chore. I make no money from the comic at all - no syndicate would want it because of its subject matter, and if one were to pick it up, it would be censored. But I have stories I want to tell, points I want to make. I will try to keep it going for as long as I'm able.


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