When Rogaine met Viagra...

Eleven years ago, the radio station where I worked at the time received this fax.
My first reaction, of course, was "Ew!"
Sperm Shampoo? And "Spermman"? I hate to imagine what his costume would have looked like.
How were they able to acquire copious amounts of semen to manufacture the shampoo? Robbing sperm banks? Hooking guys up to milking machines?
I'm certain DC Comics wasn't happy about the wording of this fax - days later, another fax promoted Sperm Shampoo without mention of Superman.
Odder still is the claim the "testosterone zaps your hair from growing," yet smearing jizz on your head will restore the follicles?
I'll bet that this is what inspired that infamous scene in "There's Something About Mary."
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