Terri Noble's Non-blog

Thoughts, such as they are, of a mild mannered transgendered artist.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Why I love Whole Wheat Radio.

I have heartily recommended Whole Wheat Radio to all those I know. It's more than a webcast - more than a chat - it's a living, breathing community I'm happy to be part of. This article from the Anchorage Daily News will explain its uniqueness.
On WWR I hear music and artists I usually cannot hear anywhere else. And the "Wheatheads" have been and continue to be friends, fans, an impromptu support group - I love them. And when my mother died back in March, Jim and the Wheatheads were a source of comfort.
I tried a self-exile from WWR beacuse I felt I was on there too much - but I just can't stay away. They have accepted me despite (or perhaps because of) my eccentricities. Only one person in chat did not accept my being TG and said so - the other Wheatheads, bless 'em, came to my defense.
Here's to Jim and Esther and my dear Wheathead friends.


  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger NT said…

    Thanks Terri. You have become such a part of the community that you're sort of like the foundation of a house. Something you don't miss until it's gone. I'm glad you participate - and accept it as a gift for as long as it feels good for you. We love you!

  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Terri Noble said…

    And thank you, Jim, for making Whole Wheat Radio happen!

  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi Terri, I'm Patrick from the wholewheatradio-club.
    I was checking the WWR bloglist and found your blog.
    I had no idea you were tg, you appeared so typical feminine in the chat, but no problem for me, we Dutchmen are broadminded. Good that you found friends at WWR. Must be hard in conservative America. Well anyway take care and see you at the chat.



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