Terri Noble's Non-blog

Thoughts, such as they are, of a mild mannered transgendered artist.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Catching up - again.

Me, procrastinate?

Who am I kidding? Three months...

Anyway, as I look back over 2004, the event that affected me most was the death of my mother. Wednesday, it will have been a year.
I started my webcomic as a way to work off some of the grief.
A long-distance relationship that got quite deep and was enhanced by nightly phone calls came to an end in May, after I got that speeding ticket mentioned in an earlier post.
In November, I traveled to Atlanta to observe the Transgender Day of Remembrance. I tell about that on my website.

Any transition plans are on hold right now. Money problems, of course.


  • At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hang in there Terri. Glad that you have found outlets for your feelings through the webcomic and WWR. Keep on trudging along and things will work out for you, I'm sure. See you around the chat.


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