Why I love Whole Wheat Radio.
I have heartily recommended Whole Wheat Radio to all those I know. It's more than a webcast - more than a chat - it's a living, breathing community I'm happy to be part of. This article from the Anchorage Daily News will explain its uniqueness.
On WWR I hear music and artists I usually cannot hear anywhere else. And the "Wheatheads" have been and continue to be friends, fans, an impromptu support group - I love them. And when my mother died back in March, Jim and the Wheatheads were a source of comfort.
I tried a self-exile from WWR beacuse I felt I was on there too much - but I just can't stay away. They have accepted me despite (or perhaps because of) my eccentricities. Only one person in chat did not accept my being TG and said so - the other Wheatheads, bless 'em, came to my defense.
Here's to Jim and Esther and my dear Wheathead friends.
On WWR I hear music and artists I usually cannot hear anywhere else. And the "Wheatheads" have been and continue to be friends, fans, an impromptu support group - I love them. And when my mother died back in March, Jim and the Wheatheads were a source of comfort.
I tried a self-exile from WWR beacuse I felt I was on there too much - but I just can't stay away. They have accepted me despite (or perhaps because of) my eccentricities. Only one person in chat did not accept my being TG and said so - the other Wheatheads, bless 'em, came to my defense.
Here's to Jim and Esther and my dear Wheathead friends.